What it means to be a woman of a certain age…

I turned 55 years old a couple of months ago and it suddenly dawned on me that I am officially a middle-aged woman.   Yikes!  By right the standard definition of a middle-aged woman is somewhere between ages 45 and 65.   It is during this time that she may, among other things, physically and emotionally experience hair loss or thinning, vision problems, mood swings, graying hair, night flashes, hot sweats, hearing loss,  wrinkles, age spots, fatigue,  joint issues, sleep disorders, difficulty concentrating, bloating, weight gain, depression and more.   However, I still maintain that you truly are as young as you feel which is why I vow to continue working out at The Edge Fitness Center 5 mornings a week, getting at least 6 to 7 hours of beauty sleep each night, eating mostly healthy foods and drinking lots of fluids.  But even with this regime I can still feel the signs and effects of aging setting in.   Consequently, here are 10 reasons why I am closer to being described as “old” rather than “young”:

I will drive somewhere and forget where I was originally going



I cannot tell you the names of any of today’s top 5 music artists on any single chart



I have no trouble beginning a story with “30 years ago…



I have misplaced my car or house keys more times than I care to admit



If I go out on the town just one night during the week it takes me the next 2 days to “recover”



I have trouble remembering passwords



I can no longer quickly shed 3 to 5 pounds overnight



The television is watching me after a certain time of the night…



It takes me longer and longer to recover from the flu or a common cold



And finally, my definition of “Old” keeps changing.   For instance, when I was 16 I thought 30 was old (smile).