Black coffee and lemon Italian Ice…eeech!

I am prepping for my colonoscopy tomorrow.  A colonoscopy 4 1/2 years ago literally saved my life so I’m not mad about it.  What grosses me out is the prep.


Part I:  The entire day before (or today for me) I have to stick to a clear liquid diet.  There is no limit to the amount of clear liquids I can drink during the day.  This diet can include water, clear broth, bouillon, soda, gatorade, clear fruit juice, limeade or lemonade, popsicles, Jello-O, Italian ice, coffee or tea.  Here’s the catch: I cannot have anything with the colors red, purple or orange.  I cannot have any solid food, I cannot have any alcoholic beverages, I cannot have any milk, cream or dairy substitutes.  That pretty much wipes out my whole diet (smile).

Part II:  At 3pm this afternoon I start cleaning out my system with the Suprep Bowel Prep Kit.  This is the prescription medication that my GI doctor ordered for me to pick up from the local pharmacy one week before my procedure. There are 4 steps involved here which all center around drinking the entire first bottle of the prep medication which must be diluted with a 16 ounce container of water.

By the way, if you cannot find a responsible adult to go with you, you must arrange for transportation to and from your colonoscopy    There are reputable medical taxi services in the area that can help with this step.

Part III:  The next morning (or the day of your colonoscopy) approximately 4 hours before your arrival time, repeat steps 1 – 4 with the Suprep Bowel Prep Kit.  I will now be on the second (last bottle) and all liquids must be completed 3 hours before my arrival time.  What I find difficult is that I now have barely anything in my stomach, I’ll most likely be feeling even more dizzy than I feel right now, and I still have to get all of that icky drink down as quickly as possible…

Part IV:  To me this is the easy part:  the actual procedure.  In and of itself it’s  quick, it’s painless and there’s very little memory of it as you are sedated.

Part V:  The fun part. It’s over and you can eat again – yay!!!

Update:  just completed colonoscopy — all clear — no polyps!   Next one in 3 years due to my history.

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Lajeune Hollis is a Connecticut resident, Media Sales Professional, Local News Junkie, Daughter, Sister, Proud Aunt and Colon Cancer Survivor

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