My Current Situation – Part VI

Life as I knew it has certainly changed.  What has not changed is that I am still operating in a hybrid fashion at work (one day working from the office; the next day working from home) and I can’t say I’m mad about it (smile).



I’m also still going to I Love Kickboxing at the crack of dawn 5 days a week which not only keeps me in shape, but also keeps me sane (smile).



I’m 59 years old so I was in the second wave of folks eligible for the vaccine in Connecticut – and was truly happy to get it.  They shot my arm with Moderna which means in another 4 weeks I will be ready for shot number 2…and close to getting back to some sort of (mask wearing) normalcy…



I haven’t quite resumed my social life – again, I am waiting for that second vaccine shot and then waiting another 2 weeks after that just to be safe…



It’s hard to belive that its been 13 months since Covid 19 appeared and thankfully I have not caught it yet so I must be doing something right.



And I’m noticing something:  people seem to be enjoying the simple things in life – taking a long walk outside; hugging their grandchildren tight; face-timing with family and friends, going hiking, playing board games, etc.



For  myself, I’ve become more introspective which is not surprising considering the fact that I am spending less time with others and more by myself.  And I don’t mean this in a bad way.  I’m just looking to take this quality time we’ve all been given to work on becoming a better version of myself (smile).



Which includes attending virtual church at CTBC on a regular basis, working as a volunteer Writer for Shop Black CT and being of service to others where and when I am able.



I’m not gonna lie, If I could wave a magic wand and get everything back to “normal,” trust me I would.  But since that is not possible, I will settle for a nice long relaxing vacay in a sunny but secluded (mask optional) environment (double smile)…