My Happy Surprise this week on The Electric Drum



So this week was a week like no other with lots of dips and twists and turns plus rainy bleak weather to add to the mix.  My happy surprise was when I got a phone call out of the blue from Juan Castillo, Program Director of 94.3 WYBC FM asking me if I would like to be his guest on his Saturday morning at 9am program called The Electric Drum.  The show will feature Unsung heroes (heroines) so that is why he reached out to me.  Of course I said yes and will keep everyone posted on my upcoming air date.  Thanks Juan!

Update:  Juan told me my radio interview airs Saturday August 15th at 9am on The Electric Drum, 94.3 WYBC FM!

Here is a link to it:

Podcasts posted on 8/15/15 parts 1 and 2




My New Haven Magazine Debut

I was featured in New Haven Magazine last year. I can’t believe that Spring is right around the corner because here in New Haven there’s snow on the ground and the temps are still below 50. Thank God for the change of seasons in New England!

This was written and photographed by my good friend and fellow blogger, Jamie Taylor. Hope you enjoy reading it!
