Friends are like jewels…?

I learned about the importance of having and keeping good friends early on. I grew up in a big dual parent family (with five girls, 2 boys) and since I was the ‘baby girl,’ I considered myself the odd girl out because, in my mind, my 4 other sisters were all closer in age and therefore already had each other for playmates.

The Hollis kids
The Hollis kids – I’m the sixth from the left

Consequently, in my six year old mind,  my best bet was to make my own girlfriends who could ‘feel like sisters’ so I found myself becoming really good at cultivating  friendships that lasted.  As I became older I got better and better at it.  When  it came to friendships with the opposite sex I found friendships with boys easier and less complicated. That is, until,  I was old enough to date.   Then things became more complicated as my boyfriend would look at me like: ‘who is he and what is he to you?’

Which brings me to present day.  I am so blessed to have in my life my S.O. James who is not only the love of my life but also my best friend, confidant,  travel partner and partner in crime.


Another benefit to becoming older is that the gap between my sisters has somehow shrunk and we are now truly friends.

I am also blessed to have in my life what I consider my wide circle of friends:  family friends, friend friends,  church friends, client friends, gym friends, doggie friends, co-worker friends and social media friends.

Speaking of co-worker friends, I recently became very close to a co-worker friend named Jamie who I was initially introduced to by a mutual and former co-worker friend who asked me, upon her exit,  to look after Jamie since she was new and did not have any friends.  I immediately bristled at the idea of making friends with a friend of a friend as I always prided myself on choosing  my own friends but once I got over that feeling I began to like Jamie.   We both had a different idea of what the other person was like based upon preconceived notions but once we got past that we became fast friends.  I always feel as if I meet a person for a reason and  I quickly found what that reason was through my friendship with Jamie.   She is and was the inspiration behind my blog as she both trained and helped get me started on WordPress plus she has her own enviable blog, jamieeverafter.

Me and Jamie at CT Convention Center
Me and Jamie at the CT Convention Center last Fall

So in conclusion I have to say that friends are like jewels…precious, valuable, treasured…no two are alike.


Chocolate on the Beach

It’s getting close to Memorial Day, the unofficial start of Summer, which means that me and my S.O. James will empty my car trunk of Winter gear and re-pack with the good stuff–Summer items like portable beach chairs, beach umbrellas, beach bags with sunblock, towels, beach blankets, etc.  We keep my car trunk filled up (not his as it is chock full of golf gear) like this all Summer long as you never know in New England when a beach day will appear.  We both love the beach and look forward to laying out on our image imagebeach chairs with my cooler filled with ice cold water, adult beverages and snacks and sneak dips in the ocean when the heat gets to be too much.  We are truly ‘Chocolate on the Beach’  as we are blessed with skin tones that are ‘Hershey bar’ chocolate, especially in contrast to the bright sunlight of the beach.  For as long as I can remember I have been a fan of the beach.  I grew up in a small town on the shoreline of Connecticut where we had 5 beaches, so it was natural and a beautiful thing to spend as much time as possible at the beach.

Plus my mother loved the beach when she was alive and made it a point to pick up her beach pass at the town hall in Groton the start of every Summer.  So one of the ways me and my siblings honored her when she passed almost 6 years ago was to have the bench she so often sat on at Eastern Point, her favorite beach in Groton, named after her.


I think of her often but especially today as it is, after all, Mother’s Day…a day when I am reminded of her goodness.  I was one of seven children and although I came from a large family,  my mother had this special and unique way of making me feel as much love from her as if I were her only child.  And we all felt that powerful love.  I consider this one of the many gifts that God blessed her with and completely understand why she was nicknamed ‘Care Bear’  at her church, Walls Temple AME Zion in New London, CT.

Jean Anna Tinsley Hollis
Jean Anna Tinsley Hollis

So Happy Mother’s Day to all and a special Happy Mother’s Day to my mother Jean in Heaven.









My New Haven Magazine Debut

I was featured in New Haven Magazine last year. I can’t believe that Spring is right around the corner because here in New Haven there’s snow on the ground and the temps are still below 50. Thank God for the change of seasons in New England!

This was written and photographed by my good friend and fellow blogger, Jamie Taylor. Hope you enjoy reading it!
