Bean Clean!

In a perfect world I would always eat clean and get the proper rest.  However, from time to time, I find  myself overindulging on vino and eating food with too much sodium.  It is during these times when I break down and start cooking my clean dishes.  Here’s a recipe I received from my former co-worker Michele which is so easy to make and soooooooooo good!  I call it Clean Bean:

In a large saucepan put about 2 tbsp of olive oil and heat on low heat

Chop by hand or in a food processor 3 to 4 cloves of garlic, 1 large red onion, 1/2 bunch of cilantro and add to heated oil

Sauté until soft

Add 2 cans of kidney beans and 2 cans of black beans with most of the juice drained

Add 1 cup of whole grain or brown rice and 1 and a 1/2 cups of water

Stir well and add 1 teaspoon of black pepper and 1 teaspoon of chili powder.  If it tastes like it needs salt, feel free to add it

Bring to a boil, cover and reduce heat to a simmer.  Cook until all water is absorbed which may take up to an hour.

Add cooked chicken sausage (sliced in to quarters) and cherry or grape tomatoes (sliced in half)

All done!  Yummy!image

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Lajeune Hollis is a Connecticut resident, Media Sales Professional, Local News Junkie, Daughter, Sister, Proud Aunt and Colon Cancer Survivor

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