Yikes! Has it really been 35 years since high school?!??

imageI feel like pinching myself because tonight I am going to my 35th High School Reunion!  I still can’t believe it because I remember my mother mentioning her 35th High School reunion to me when I was a child and me thinking how old everyone there would be!  Now I know better…we are all 53 but I must say that I truly believe that  50 is the new 40 in terms of health and well-being.


Here’s a picture of us when we were still in high school:


I’m looking forward to reconnecting with old friends and getting contact information from those I have completely lost touch with.  I’ve attended my 5th, 10th and 15th high school reunions so this is not completely new to me.  We did not have a 20th and I inadvertently missed the 25th.  There was not a 30th either so this will be the first time I have seen my classmates since I was 33!  20 years ago – unbelievable, as time has truly flown by.

The event takes place at the Groton Elks Lodge on Shennecossett Road in Groton. There will be a relaxing sit down BBQ Chicken dinner, cash bar, late night pizza, dancing and music by Next Level Entertainment featuring 80s music since we graduated in 1980.  Looking forward to a good time!

Me and Bonnie and Sherry my former track buddies

Me and Bonnie and Sherry — my former track buddies

Happy faces after eating!

Happy faces after eating!

Memory Lane pix

Memory Lane pix!

Me and Linda Cady

Me and Linda Cady – my February bday twin!

A keepsake and it was good!

Our delicious keepsake which I ate!  Ooops!  As you can see, I had a very good time and was so glad that I went.

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Lajeune Hollis is a Connecticut resident, Media Sales Professional, Local News Junkie, Daughter, Sister, Proud Aunt and Colon Cancer Survivor

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