
Pit Bull or Poodle?

So I’m a member of the Edge Fitness Clubs in Hamden, CT and I attend the Early Bird classes 5 days a week Monday through Friday starting at 530am or 6am.  I do team training  there which is called Edge Strong.  I take classes called Edge Exclusive, Edge Strong and Edge Burn just to name a few.  These classes are good for me because they keep me focused and disciplined and the group atmosphere helps to keep me motivated.  Plus I’ve made lots of “gym friends” at the Edge and even socialize with a few of them after hours.

Brian, my personal trainer and one of the Edge Strong instructors,  is drill seargent- like in nature and is constantly barking at us during class:  “are you a Pit Bull or a Poodle?” to which I promptly reply: Dachshund!



The reason why is because up until 4 years ago I had two “doxies” in my life: Coby and Crimson Hollis and I miss them both soooooooo much…They were energetic, loveable and fun plus they were both smart as a whip so I enjoyed lots of good times with them.

I adopted them both from the same breeder in Canterbury, CT.  I adopted Coby (the black and tan one) when he was just 3 months old and had him until the ripe old age of 17 (in people years) and then, in 2012, he died of kidney failure.  Crimson (the red one)  was a breeder dog who wasn’t producing many pups so they “fixed” her to sell her off.  Plus she had social interaction issues since in her world adults coming to visit were coming for the sole purpose of taking away her puppies so I was able to get her at a lower price.  She was 4 1/2 when Iadopted her and lived a happy and “normal” pet life to age 9 before she was hit (1 month after Coby passed!) by a hit and run driver on a busy street.?

So Brian, I’m neither Pit Bull nor Poodle, I’m more like my late doxies: energetic, loveable and fun! ?






Brazilian bikini wax for my Mexico vacay!


Mexico pix

One of the things on my bucket list was to get a Brazilian bikini wax. Why I waited to do this at age 53 is anybody’s guess (smile). At any rate I’m going to an adults only luxury all-inclusive resort in Mexico next week where I will be sporting my brand new string bikini so there’s no time like the present…My friend and client Debbie B recommended I go to see Jessica at Esthetique in Hamden, CT.  I did not know what to expect so I went on a site called for helpful tips which armed me with useful information but there is nothing like actually getting it done. The whole procedure from stripping down from the waist down to wiping the tears out of my eyes took all of 25 minutes. Jessica was the ultimate professional and even tried to distract me by keeping the conversation light and all but the pain was excruciating. I will say that the next day I felt like I could walk again and would highly recommend it, especially if you are traveling to a tropical destination and/or need to get it done for a major event. Just don’t wait until you’re in your 50’s…

My Happy Surprise this week on The Electric Drum



So this week was a week like no other with lots of dips and twists and turns plus rainy bleak weather to add to the mix.  My happy surprise was when I got a phone call out of the blue from Juan Castillo, Program Director of 94.3 WYBC FM asking me if I would like to be his guest on his Saturday morning at 9am program called The Electric Drum.  The show will feature Unsung heroes (heroines) so that is why he reached out to me.  Of course I said yes and will keep everyone posted on my upcoming air date.  Thanks Juan!

Update:  Juan told me my radio interview airs Saturday August 15th at 9am on The Electric Drum, 94.3 WYBC FM!

Here is a link to it:

Podcasts posted on 8/15/15 parts 1 and 2




What I’m looking forward to come summer…


I am so looking forward to enjoying oysters again come Summer.  That’s when I will truly know that Summer is here.  It’s still cool and quite rainy here in New England even though we are already into the month of April so I’m not going to have my oysters until the sunshine truly dominates the days…here’s the Facebook page link of a restaurant in West Haven that I am looking forward to going back to this Summer:

Easter Sunday back in the day…

Easter Sunday was always so special in the Hollis household.  My mother was so good about making sure her children were dressed in their Sunday finest as we got ready for church.  I’m in red, the sixth of seven children and the youngest of the girls…those were the days…

Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday