Doxie Love!

Anyone who knows me knows I love me some Doxies!  “Doxies,” short for dachshunds, are those “short-legged, long-bodied, hound-type dogs.” Dachs meaning badger, hund meaning dog.

Dachshunds originated in Germany and were developed to “scent, chase and flush out badger and other burrow-dwelling animals.”   Some people refer to them as the Hot Dog, or the Weiner Dog or even the Sausage Dog.  I just call them adorable (smile).

So whether I’m on a staycation in Connecticut or on a real vacation in the U.S. or Abroad, I am often on the look-out for what my girlfriends have come to know as a “Cute Doxie Surprise.”  These are the moments when I spot a Doxie in an unexpected place and go nuts – running after it, taking pictures of it, rolling down my car window to ask questions of the pet parent, etc.

Fun fact:  While Growing up Hollis in Groton, CT, a neighbor named Mrs. Brown  had a beautiful long-haired golden Doxie aptly named Goldie Von Bruen.  Goldie gave birth to a litter of full-bred Dachshund puppies.  I’m not sure when but at some point my late mother Jean did something kind for Mrs. Brown that caused her to offer my mother one of her prized and valued Doxies at no charge.  My mother happily picked out a male puppy.  We were so excited because this was our family’s very first canine pet.  My older brother Michael came up with the name.  He called him Rapper and it stuck (smile).   Rapper was a standard (or loooooooooong) red, smooth-haired dachshund with a good disposition.  Dogs were not pampered back in the day so Rapper was not “walked,” rather he ran from the house, sometimes disappearing for days at a time (smile).

This is the closest image I could find of what Rapper looked like back in the day as I could not find any of the Polaroid pictures we took of him!

The closest thing to what Rapper looked like

Rapper mostly ate from our plates (often times eating what we didn’t want) despite the fresh, dry dog food sitting in his bowl on a daily basis…

And it was apparently clear who Rapper loved the most –  my mother Jean.  So much so that when she and my father Jonie B went out on a date, we Hollis girls would take turns putting on my mother’s coat, hat and shoes to trick Rapper into believing she was still home.  It worked like a charm (smile).

5 years ago I had two Doxies of my own…I was living in New Haven, CT at the time in a 90-year-old Colonial style house that I owned in the Edgewood neighborhood.

Coby/Coby/Coby & Crimson

I named my 2 Doxies Coby and Crimson Hollis.  Coby was a black and tan smooth-haired, male miniature Doxie and Crimson, a red, smooth-haired female miniature Doxie …They were equally energetic, loveable and fun so lots of good memories were made in that house.

I adopted them both from the same breeder in Canterbury, CT.   Coby was just 3 months old when I adopted him and I had him until the ripe old age of 17 (in people years).   Unfortunately he died of kidney failure in May of 2012.  Coby was 8 when I adopted Crimson, a “breeder dog” who wasn’t producing many pups so the owner “fixed” her to sell her off.  On top of this Crimson had social interaction issues since in her world adults coming to visit were coming for the sole purpose of taking away her puppies so I was able to get her at a much lower price than I did Coby.  She was 4 1/2 when I adopted her and lived a happy and “normal” pet life to the age of 9 before she was struck (1 month after Coby passed!) by a hit and run driver on a busy residential street.😥  Life was rough without my 2 Doxies but the passing of time eventually healed my  broken heart…

Today I am an Insta girl who loves her Instagram pix and I’m happy to admit that the majority of my own collection of saved pix are of the Dachshunds of Instagram.   Here are just a few of my personal faves with my very own captions:

Are you talking to me?!?


Do these glasses make me look fat?


What do you mean no hoodies?!?


Special delivery!
Is it the New Year yet?!?




No caption needed


No caption needed


Pretty in Pink!


Don’t hate me cuz I’m beautiful!


Crusoe the celebrity dachshund


If I have to do the laundry every week, at least I can look cute!


Doxie Love – it’s no small wonder that my fave breed, the Dachshund, according to the American Kennel Club, remains one of the top 10 breeds of dogs in the United States.

My Clean Living Life – Part IV

I am a super proud Colon Cancer Survivor(since August of 2011) so eating “clean” is an essential part of my life.   I’m also Lactose Intolerant so I’m ever mindful of making the right food and beverage choices.

Here are just some of the products I find make it easier for me to lead a dairy-free life:

I eat cereal every morning so milk is a major part of my diet.  Before I even realized I was Lactose Intolerant I had already made the switch from whole milk to 2% milk and then finally to 1% milk so switching over to Almond Breeze Almondmilk (Original and Unsweetened) suits me just fine.

I love love love cheese so I was super excited when I found out I could still have cheddar cheese, a personal fave, as well as any of the “hard” cheeses as they are easier to digest than the “soft” cheeses and therefore do not upset my stomach.  For cheddar cheese, I prefer the CABOT brand…

When it comes to yogurt there are so many options today but I tend to gravitate towards Yoplait lactose free yogurtas it just tastes better than most of the other dairy-free brands flooding the market.

I used to love to slap a dollop of whipped creme on top of my pie or cake during the holidays.  Instead of using whipped creme, try this simple recipe to make your own dairy -free version:

  • Use one can of full-fat coconut milk (Thai Kitchen organic Coconut Milk is a good brand to use)
  • Plus one tablespoon of  local honey for sweetener (optional)

Whisk the two ingredients together for up to 4 minutes and you’re good to go!

During the dog days of Summer (which is honestly the only time I think of ice cream) one of my fave dairy-free choices is Breyers Lactose Free Natural Vanilla as it’s simply delicious.

If you are a salad lover like me, scratch the heavy blue cheese or ranch dressings (or other milk-based dressings) and switch over to the lighter Balsamic Vinaigrette (Wish Bone makes a tasty version…)

And finally,  I’m an avid snacker so I found that Hummus easily takes the place of  creme (“soft”) cheese, its way better for you plus it tastes good too!  Sabra Classic Hummus (or its many equally delicious varieties) makes a healthy satisfying dip whether you’re snacking on raw veggies, crackers, pretzels, and/or baked chips.  Yummy!

So whether you are Lactose intolerant or not, Bon Appetit!

Count Your Blessings…

I can’t believe it’s August already which means that Summer is almost over, Boo!  To add insult to injury, the changeable weather in Connecticut has me feeling kinda blah…If you too are finding yourself feeling some kinda way and are looking for solutions,  here’s my list of ways to shake it off (smile).

First things first, Count Your Blessings.   I’ve been known to throw a pity party and not invite anyone but myself and that never ends well.   The quickest solution is to start counting my blessings no matter how large or small.  Works like a charm…


Take a Mental Health Day – sometimes you just need to forget about work and take the day off, strictly for the purpose of resting and relaxing your mind…


Get organized  – Declutter Put things back where they belong – sometimes just getting organized takes a load off your mind and makes you feel accomplished (smile).

Surround yourself with positive people.   Life is too short to be made miserable by another person(s).  You can truly ‘do bad all by yourself’ as mama used to say (smile).

Listen to music that you absolutely love – the 70s is my Go-To decade so you’ll find me listening to one or more of the following musical genres:  Soul, Rock, Pop, R & B or Disco.  It instantly puts me in a good mood.


This is not necessarily going to be easy but try turning offthe desktop, the laptop,  the cell phone, etc. for even a few half hours at a time.  You’ll be amazed at how good you feel.


Read a bookby your favorite author or grab a self-help book.  Either one will do the trick.


Take a power nap – quick, short naps not only rejuvenate you but they improve your mood, alertness and performance.


Exercise for life – make working out a part of your daily life – not a dreaded thing to do.   Whether you belong to a gym, or work out at home, it’s one of the best ways to combat stress, reduce fatigue and improve your sleep.

Get involved in a sport that you have not played in years.  I used to play a mean game of badminton as a child so playing it again recently brought back some fond memories.


Play with pets –  whether they are your own, your friends or your neighbors  – pets can easily bring a smile to your face and make your worries go away.


And finally, Count Your Blessings, again…if you have a sound mind, good health, family, faith, friends and work, you’re already ahead in the Game of Life.

Fresh is Best!

In spite of the fickle pre-Summer weather this month, my work and social life (which are both calendar-driven as opposed to season-driven) appear to be getting busier and busier.



At the same time this girl (with her history of colon cancer) absolutely needs to find the time to eat healthy in order to stay healthy.



While I do enjoy eating the healthy dishes that I prepare in the crock pot, or buying, heating and eating Amy’s organic canned goods, or even micro-waving and eating clean frozen meals, it’s beginning to get monotonous…

In a perfect world, I would have my own personal chef…ready, willing and able to whip me up a variety of fresh and healthy dishes that taste as good as they look (smile).

Lucky for me I found the next best thing through my early morning conversations with Margot, my gym friend.

Margot suggested I look into the Fresh Meal Plan.  It’s offered at all of the Edge Fitness Centers in Connecticut.   And it’s ‘the nation’s largest farm-to-table meal plan service with free delivery to your doorstep.‘   What ultimately sold me on it though (outside of the obvious benefits) was that all Edge Fitness members receive 10 percent off the weekly rate of $109 for the first 6 weeks and, THIS IS HUGE,  we could cancel at any time!

Here’s how it works:

You register by logging onto FMP’s website

Once online you can read all about the program including  the history of its Founders, FAQs and testimonials.   They even have a phone number to call and  talk to a live person who explains how everything works.   Once I was satisfied with all the answers to my own questions I was ready to begin.

The first thing I did was decide on one of four meal plans:  Traditional, Paleo, Signature or Vegetarian.  Each of the meal plans come with a featured image  and each plan is detailed in full so that you truly understand what you are signing up for.   This also helps you to decide which meal plan is right for your lifestyle.  However, no matter which meal plan you initially choose, FMP gives you the option to pick and choose meals from any one of the 4 meal plans!

I chose the Paleo meal plan because, for the most part, me hungry but me still needs to eat clean-healthy (smile).



Selecting your weekly meals:

This must be done on a desktop or laptop computer, not a mobile device.  Simply log onto the FMP website and select your healthy meals for the following week.

Here’s what I chose for my first week of 10 prepared, ready to heat-and-eat meals  (1 lunch; 1 dinner per day):

Korean BBQ Pork Chop

Teriyaki Chicken Stir Fry (pictured)

Roasted Mediterranean Mahi

Miami Cuban Turkey Burger

Truffle Steak Frite

Panca and Chive Turkey Meatloaf

Chicken Caprese Salad

Blackened Mango Mahi Tacos

Spartan Bison Burger

Kung Pao Chicken


Free Delivery right to your doorstep!

On Mondays by 7am a local courier delivers the first 6 meals and on Thursdays by 7am the remaining 4 meals are delivered.

All of these meals come neatly packed with 2 disposable ice packs inside an insulated cooler bag.



They are all stored in bake-friendly disposable containers.

For the best in fresh, you should refrigerate them immediately.

The now empty insulated cooler bag is left outside on your doorstep the day before your next delivery.   The containers and ice packs are yours to keep or dispose of as you wish.  Easy breezy 🙂

Again, I pre-paid $98.10 for the week or $9.81 per meal for my first week of 10 meals which is not too shabby considering the fact that I did not have to grocery shop, do prep work or spend precious quality time in the kitchen (smile).

And the taste — Yummy!



So far I’ve had the Truffle Steak Frite with Sweet Potatoes and Green Salad and the Chicken Teriyaki Stir Fry with Broccoli.  All of the Paleo meals are high protein, low-fat and low calories (less than 400 calories!)

My only caution is that the food is soooooo good that it may be difficult to go back to your normal, regular diet.  Outside of that I have just two words:



What it means to be a woman of a certain age…

I turned 55 years old a couple of months ago and it suddenly dawned on me that I am officially a middle-aged woman.   Yikes!  By right the standard definition of a middle-aged woman is somewhere between ages 45 and 65.   It is during this time that she may, among other things, physically and emotionally experience hair loss or thinning, vision problems, mood swings, graying hair, night flashes, hot sweats, hearing loss,  wrinkles, age spots, fatigue,  joint issues, sleep disorders, difficulty concentrating, bloating, weight gain, depression and more.   However, I still maintain that you truly are as young as you feel which is why I vow to continue working out at The Edge Fitness Center 5 mornings a week, getting at least 6 to 7 hours of beauty sleep each night, eating mostly healthy foods and drinking lots of fluids.  But even with this regime I can still feel the signs and effects of aging setting in.   Consequently, here are 10 reasons why I am closer to being described as “old” rather than “young”:

I will drive somewhere and forget where I was originally going



I cannot tell you the names of any of today’s top 5 music artists on any single chart



I have no trouble beginning a story with “30 years ago…



I have misplaced my car or house keys more times than I care to admit



If I go out on the town just one night during the week it takes me the next 2 days to “recover”



I have trouble remembering passwords



I can no longer quickly shed 3 to 5 pounds overnight



The television is watching me after a certain time of the night…



It takes me longer and longer to recover from the flu or a common cold



And finally, my definition of “Old” keeps changing.   For instance, when I was 16 I thought 30 was old (smile).