Doxie Love!

Anyone who knows me knows I love me some Doxies!  “Doxies,” short for dachshunds, are those “short-legged, long-bodied, hound-type dogs.” Dachs meaning badger, hund meaning dog.

Dachshunds originated in Germany and were developed to “scent, chase and flush out badger and other burrow-dwelling animals.”   Some people refer to them as the Hot Dog, or the Weiner Dog or even the Sausage Dog.  I just call them adorable (smile).

So whether I’m on a staycation in Connecticut or on a real vacation in the U.S. or Abroad, I am often on the look-out for what my girlfriends have come to know as a “Cute Doxie Surprise.”  These are the moments when I spot a Doxie in an unexpected place and go nuts – running after it, taking pictures of it, rolling down my car window to ask questions of the pet parent, etc.

Fun fact:  While Growing up Hollis in Groton, CT, a neighbor named Mrs. Brown  had a beautiful long-haired golden Doxie aptly named Goldie Von Bruen.  Goldie gave birth to a litter of full-bred Dachshund puppies.  I’m not sure when but at some point my late mother Jean did something kind for Mrs. Brown that caused her to offer my mother one of her prized and valued Doxies at no charge.  My mother happily picked out a male puppy.  We were so excited because this was our family’s very first canine pet.  My older brother Michael came up with the name.  He called him Rapper and it stuck (smile).   Rapper was a standard (or loooooooooong) red, smooth-haired dachshund with a good disposition.  Dogs were not pampered back in the day so Rapper was not “walked,” rather he ran from the house, sometimes disappearing for days at a time (smile).

This is the closest image I could find of what Rapper looked like back in the day as I could not find any of the Polaroid pictures we took of him!

The closest thing to what Rapper looked like

Rapper mostly ate from our plates (often times eating what we didn’t want) despite the fresh, dry dog food sitting in his bowl on a daily basis…

And it was apparently clear who Rapper loved the most –  my mother Jean.  So much so that when she and my father Jonie B went out on a date, we Hollis girls would take turns putting on my mother’s coat, hat and shoes to trick Rapper into believing she was still home.  It worked like a charm (smile).

5 years ago I had two Doxies of my own…I was living in New Haven, CT at the time in a 90-year-old Colonial style house that I owned in the Edgewood neighborhood.

Coby/Coby/Coby & Crimson

I named my 2 Doxies Coby and Crimson Hollis.  Coby was a black and tan smooth-haired, male miniature Doxie and Crimson, a red, smooth-haired female miniature Doxie …They were equally energetic, loveable and fun so lots of good memories were made in that house.

I adopted them both from the same breeder in Canterbury, CT.   Coby was just 3 months old when I adopted him and I had him until the ripe old age of 17 (in people years).   Unfortunately he died of kidney failure in May of 2012.  Coby was 8 when I adopted Crimson, a “breeder dog” who wasn’t producing many pups so the owner “fixed” her to sell her off.  On top of this Crimson had social interaction issues since in her world adults coming to visit were coming for the sole purpose of taking away her puppies so I was able to get her at a much lower price than I did Coby.  She was 4 1/2 when I adopted her and lived a happy and “normal” pet life to the age of 9 before she was struck (1 month after Coby passed!) by a hit and run driver on a busy residential street.😥  Life was rough without my 2 Doxies but the passing of time eventually healed my  broken heart…

Today I am an Insta girl who loves her Instagram pix and I’m happy to admit that the majority of my own collection of saved pix are of the Dachshunds of Instagram.   Here are just a few of my personal faves with my very own captions:

Are you talking to me?!?


Do these glasses make me look fat?


What do you mean no hoodies?!?


Special delivery!
Is it the New Year yet?!?




No caption needed


No caption needed


Pretty in Pink!


Don’t hate me cuz I’m beautiful!


Crusoe the celebrity dachshund


If I have to do the laundry every week, at least I can look cute!


Doxie Love – it’s no small wonder that my fave breed, the Dachshund, according to the American Kennel Club, remains one of the top 10 breeds of dogs in the United States.

Hot Comfort Foods

I used to love me some weekends growing up ‘back in the day’ in Groton, CT  Especially  in the dead of Winter because my mother, Jean Anna Tinsely Hollis, would cook all 7 of her Hollis kids pancakes and bacon or waffles and bacon on Saturday mornings and eggs, bacon, grits and buttered toast on Sunday mornings.   Weekends were truly a time to sleep in, eat a ton of “Brunchy” foods and then go to church.

Perhaps that is why to this day I Love New Haven, as it is truly a foodie destination, and restaurants that serve “brunch” are not at all hard to find.

I celebrated my 55th birthday this past weekend with my girls – it was almost 2 weeks after the fact as I was actually born on Valentine’s Day.   However, one of my three girlfriends was not available until this past Saturday since I had bucked tradition by choosing to celebrate my birthday this year over brunch instead of dinner.  And believe it or not, the hardest part for me was choosing where to go as I had 3 former neighborhood faves in mind:  The Pantry, Bella’s Cafe and Lena’s Cafe and Confections.  

I spent my first 10 years in New Haven living in the East Rock section where The Pantry was the place to go for brunch.

You can’t miss the awning or the colorful building.
The interior is small but inviting.
The Pantry’s pancakes are heavenly!

I spent the next 11 years living in the Westville section of New Haven and everyone who lives in Westville knows there are two go-to restaurants for brunch:  Bella’s Cafe and Lena’s Cafe and Confections.

The interior of Bella’s Cafe.

“Bella’s,” as it is affectionately known, is long and narrow inside and the food is fantabulous  – especially the brunches which are served from 8am-4pm on Saturdays and Sundays.  The brunch menu changes each and every week and they don’t disappoint.  The weekend we went I had the fabulous french toast.  Yummy!   And well worth the long lines and the wait!

(Almost) too pretty to eat!

Lena’s Cafe and Confections is less than a block away in a much larger space.   As it turned out, this was the chosen restaurant.  And surprisingly we did not have to wait in line at all and the food was out of this world.  I had 3 blueberry pancakes with 4 turkey sausage links.

Love Lena’s Blueberry cakes!

One of my 3 girlfriends had an omelette stuffed with crab meat, avocado, hash browns and toast on the side.  She washed it all down with a mimosa.

Afterwards there was not a speck left on her plate!

The other two girlfriends had a chicken quesadilla and a chicken Panini.   Hot Comfort Foods are now my new birthday treat and the good news is there are so many more restaurants to try in so many other New Haven neighborhoods (smile).

Bon Appetit!




My top 10 fave blog posts!

Over the past 2 years I have published almost 50 blog posts on The View from Lajeune so I think this is a good time to highlight my top 10 faves.  Here they are:


The View (from Lajeune):  The View (from Lajeune)    I chose this blog post because the  entire day was truly magical from beginning to end!

A Place of Desert:  A Place of Desert…(almost) 4 years cancer free  This blog post will always hold a special place in my heart as I truly learned what it is like to survive colon cancer…

My Very First Bug:    My Very First Bug…  This post took me back to a time when I was asserting my independence but too hard-headed to see that the route I chose actually costs me in more ways than one (smile).

Clams on the half shell…:  Clams on the half shell…and roller-skates!  This blog post speaks to me as it happens during the 70’s, one of my favorite decades!

Like Moths to the Flame:  Like moths to the flame…   This blog post is special to me because it brought me back 31 years to when I first started my career in media…

CT “Summatime” Eats:  Connecticut “Summatime” Eats!    This blog posts was real popular with TVFL readers who, like me, love Connecticut in the Summertime and the variety of eats!

Divas in the Desert:   Divas in the desert!  My good friend Tony Marinaro, who is a faithful TVFL reader, chose the title to this blog post and I will forever be grateful to him for it :))

My Clean Living Life (Parts I, II and III):    My clean living life…   My Clean Living Life – Part II;   My Clean Living Life, Part III    I imagine that these blog posts are popular with my TVFL readers because they know the struggle to live “clean” is real…

Cave Girl:   Cave Girl    I enjoyed doing the research on this blog post and tremendously benefitted from my ‘R & R’ day.  I was not allowed to take pictures of us inside the cave so this will have to suffice:

Taking Fun Seriously…:   Taking fun seriously…my very first golf lesson   I had fun writing and doing the research for this blog post and still hope to one day have that golf date with my Dad…


Thank you for reading The View from Lajeune.  I have plenty of more stories to share…

Movie Buff

From as far back as I can remember, I have always loved going to the cinema to see a movie.  Coming from a large family of 9 (two parents and 7 kids) my mother Jean, who was the original Hollis movie buff,  would, on a rainy day, load all 7 of us Hollis kids in our two-toned station wagon and drop us off at the Saturday matinée.  And we were never without our snacks.   My mother was the ultimate planner so on one of her many trips to the supermarket, she would buy large bags of candy and miniature chocolate bars and then proceed to put them in smaller Glad baggies with twists so she could save $$ at the movie concession stand.  To this day I cannot watch a movie at the cinema without having something to snack on (smile).

I saw 3 really good movies last week while on my Staycation in Connecticut. All 3 of these movies had just opened at the theaters in 2016.   However, these movies were all from Red Box so we watched them right from the comfort of our living room.  Things are real different today then they were back in the day…Brand new movies don’t stay in the theaters long so you don’t have to wait before plunking down a mere $1.59 to rent them from Red Box.   Or another option is to pay $4.99 or more and watch them On Demand from your local Cable TV service.   Unless it is truly something that has to be viewed on a super large screen for the visual and audio effects, I am okay with watching it on our own big HD TV screen at home with the volume turned up real high (smile).

Incidentally  the 3 movies we rented from Red Box couldn’t have been more different from each other in genre and/or story line.

The first one  was a comedy called  Central Intelligence starring The Rock and Kevin Hart.  I don’t want to spoil it for anyone who has not seen it, but I was really surprised at the serious undertone it took with the whole Bullying aspect that is so prevalent in today’s society.


The second was a drama called Legend of Tarzan starring Alexander Skarsgard and Samuel L. Jackson.  I have to admit that the idea of seeing another Tarzan movie made me queasy (my childhood memories of Tarzan movies were not pleasant to say the least)  but my S.O. James assured me that this one was done well…he was right and I was pleasantly surprised…Enough said (smile).


And the third was a foreign flick and drama (my personal fave) called The Lobster which my S.O. James handpicked for me.  It stars Colin Farrell and Rachel Weisz.  Can’t say enough about this movie except you should absolutely see it as it will open your eyes WIDE to a whole ‘nother world…and make you feel grateful for your own (smile).


Those are my movie picks ~  Apprecier le films!


One of my favorite holidays growing up (besides Christmas) was Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving in my mind was Christmas without the presents and I mean that in the best way.  You see, I grew up in a large, dual-parented family in the small town of Groton, CT.   I was one of 7 children and the ‘baby girl.’

My father was in the U.S. Navy and my mother was a housewife (today she would be called a ‘stay at home mom’).

Here’s a picture of my  parents when they first met.  My mother Jean was 17 and my father Jonie B. was 19.


In my humble opinion, holidays were and are so much more fun when you can share them with your parents and siblings and the bigger your family, the better.  I was 6 years old in this picture of me and my six siblings, I’m the second one in from the right.


My mother was the ultimate multi-tasker and as such super organized so the bigger holidays (Thanksgiving and Christmas) afforded her the opportunity to show off her skills.

She would take one or more of us with her to the grocery store to buy the turkey, the trimmings and the holiday themed tablecloth, plates, cups, cutlery and paper machete turkey.

Between making sure that the house was spick and span clean as well as decorated, each and everyone’s clothes washed and folded, and the food prepped and ready, she was also genius at balancing our lives to ensure that we were where we needed to be at any given time.

I had no cooking skills whatsoever so I marveled at how my mother could wash, stuff and prepare the turkey, bake multiple pies with homemade (not store-bought) crusts and then cook a ton of side dishes with ease.

On the big day, the food was blessed and then we would go around the dinner table and share what we were most thankful for that particular year.  This would usually elicit misty eyes…

Then my father, Jonie B., would do the honors by carving the turkey.  If he was out to sea during the holiday, my older brother Michael would handle it.

The Thanksgiving menu was not light.  It usually consisted of an oversized turkey, cornbread stuffing, cranberry sauce, giblets, sweet potatoes, baked macaroni and cheese, collard greens with ham bone, corn, mashed potatoes with gravy, string beans with fat back, hot dinner rolls, pumpkin pies, sweet potatoe pies, and apple cider to wash it all down with.

Huge mounds of food on serving plates would be passed around the table, laughter was heard throughout and we all knew that we would be eating leftovers for days!

Football was on TV all day long, Macy’s parade as well.  Good times.

Fast Forward to today:   with the holiday season quickly approaching, I sometimes catch myself getting caught up in a lot of the negativity of the world.  My solution a few weeks ago (inspired by my good church friend, Bobo) was to start a (daily) blessings jar to remind myself that I still have plenty to be thankful for.  It works like a charm (smile).

One of the first blessings that I wrote and put in my jar was how thankful I was (am) for my late mother so this blog post is written in loving memory of  Jean Anna Tinsley Hollis, gone but not forgotten…
