My Current Situation Part VIII

There was a small window in time at some point in July of 2021 where life was beginning to feel a little normal, albeit, the “new normal,” as masks were flung off, dressy outfits were put back on and baseball caps were sent back to the ball field.



Then along came Delta, it sounds like a movie but instead it’s the name of the new variant that is quickly turning our everyday lives into a mini nightmare.  The medical doctor on the last news segment I watched explained that even if you are fully vaccinated, you can still catch and/or transmit the COVID virus –  Yikes!  It’s no wonder that it’s spreading like wildfire.



And now the Connecticut Department of Public Health recommends that all state residents go back to wearing masks inside public buildings.



Yes.  Again…Wait, Really?!?



So as of today, me and my fellow News 8 Account Executives continue to work (masked up outside our cubicles) in the same hybrid fashion we started about 14 months ago.  Call me crazy but I happen to like working 50 percent from home and 50 percent from the office.  I have even created a cozy home office in one corner of my dining room that easily fits my desk, office supplies, desktop computer, office chair, printer and work files.  I can’t lie: I’m not looking forward to going back to work in the office 100 percent of the time.  Especially since I’ll have to face those crazy, unhinged drivers every day as opposed to just half the week.



Being the Optimist that I am though, I take a deep breath and remember what I am truly grateful for: I am truly grateful that me, my family and my loved ones are all healthy, fully vaccinated and presently living Covid- free lives.



And I certainly hope the same for all of my TVFL readers.




My Clean Living Life Part VI

As anyone who regularly reads TVFL knows, this girl has been blogging about taking care of her health and well being for the past several years.  It was precipitated 8 years ago when I was diagnosed with colon cancer:   A Place of Desert…(almost) 4 years cancer free   So it should come as no surprise to anyone that my most shared blog post,   My clean living life…  is up to Part Six.  Namely because health and wellness is something that I (and apparently others in or not in my age group) struggle with.  And I’m not ashamed to write about it.   However, don’t get me wrong, if I could wave a magic wand and become the healthiest girl alive overnight, I would’ve been there done that soooo many years ago (smile).



As is stands, working out at the Edge Fitness Center 5 mornings a week, eating clean and healthy, getting the proper ZZZs at night and imbibing only on the weekends can get old (smile).



Especially when you work on 100 percent commission in a pressure-cooker environment each and every weekday…



But I’m not one to throw a pity party for too long…I like to look on the bright side of life.  For instance, my quest for good health and wellness affords me the following rewards:  a brighter, sunnier disposition, faster metabolism, increased energy and overall improved health.



Not too shabby huh?!? (smile).






It’s rainy, wet, chilly and raw outside today – an icky, icky combo – but excellent for daydreaming (smile).



So I will write about the things I would like to do in the future (if money and time were no object).   Here they are – in no particular order:


Hire a Personal Assistant to clean the house, pay the bills, run errands, etc.



Travel the world (by plane, train, boat, automobile).  And I would,  of course,  blog all about it (smile)



Eat lunch with a favorite celebrity or two (so many come to mind, not an easy choice…)



Go on a pricey Spa Resort vacay in Arizona for 2 or more weeks



Hire a personal chef to make me clean, healthy meals every day.   Plus hire a reliable chauffeur to drive me all around town



Hire a Certified Personal Trainer to work me out in my own Home Gym/Fitness Center



Have a movie theater/entertainment center installed in one room of my well-appointed home and a premium hot tub installed in another room…



Have a Wine and Tasting Room in my well-appointed home where I would host small dinner parties once a month and invite family and good, good friends



So there.  That’s my short list, what’s yours?


Baltimore Crab Feast!

Boy do I miss the year 1998.  My oldest sister Dana was living in Baltimore, Maryland then and working for Enron so during the Summer, me, my mom Jean, my sister Casandra, my girlfriends Sherry and Thais, their mother Yvonne and my girlfriend Gina would take the opportunity to get out of Connecticut, shoot down the highway and visit Dana and her family for the weekend.  We loved Baltimore for 3 reasons:

 1.  Lexington Market – a foodies’ paradise — a large, indoor market of good, diverse eats!



2.  Baltimore Inner Harbor – Love marinas (as a matter of fact, anything water related) and people watching!


3.  Baltimore Crab Feast Cruise-to-Nowhere – On this week(end) night cruise-to-nowhere, which boarded at 630pm and departed at 7pm, you could, for one reasonable price, eat all of the hard-shelled crabs you like, be entertained with live music and dance it all off under the starry night sky!

The Baltimore Crab Feast Cruise-to-Nowhere was hands down our most favorite part of the trip.   It was like being inside a really cool nightclub (but on the water) with a DJ and finger-licking good crabs for days!

The line to board the cruise ship always wrapped around the block.  Everyone and their grandmother seemed to be in that line.  This was back in the day when busloads of people came to Baltimore for these crab feasts as good news travels fast!  Once inside, and after getting our bearings,  we would find a seat at a long wooden picnic table.  At the table we  were given heavy-duty paper bowls, plastic cutlery, wooden mallets, a sharp knife, hand wipes and plastic bibs.  Each table was completely covered with brown paper wrapping and each had extra heavy-duty paper bowls on them for the crab residue.   Serious business was about to go down! (smile).

Incidentally, there were also service bars in select areas of the cruise ship but alcoholic drinks were not included in our price.

Here we are all dressed up and ready for our night out.

L to R  – My oldest sister Dana, my late mother Jean, my sister Casandra and myself


Here we are on the cruise ship right before feeding time (smile).

L to R – My gf’s mother Yvonne, my gfs Sherry and Gina, my sister Casandra, my gf Thais, myself and my late mother Jean


Here is a picture of me and my late mother Jean right after we ate.  Happy faces!

Me and my late mother Jean

Again, this was 1998, I was 36 years old and Enron hadn’t collapsed yet…