
Happy Anniversary to me!  On August 5, 2016 I will celebrate 5 years (Colon) Cancer free.  Yay!  IMG_7945You see on Friday, August 5, 2011 I had surgery to remove the colon cancer so I count that day in August as my anniversary date as opposed to counting when I actually completed my 12 chemo treatments which, by the way, was in February of 2012.  I’m not going to get into it here as I have already blogged about the actual experience which can be found under Blogs on my site, (“A Place of Desert…”).  

Although I tried unsuccessfully to put on a Colon Cancer Cruise in 2015 (“Colon Cancer Survivors Cruise Info”) it was still a learning experience that left me much richer for it…


The month of March will forever hold a special place in my  heart as it is Colon Cancer Awareness Month and without the colonoscopy I received back in June of 2011, I would not be sharing any of these stories with you today (“True Blue”).


Eating healthy and nutritious foods is a way of life for me now, not just a passing fad (“My Clean Living Life – Parts I and II”).


Working out at The Edge in Hamden is a great stress reliever for sure but it also serves the dual purpose of keeping me physically fit (“Pit Bull or Poodle?”).

And participating in seasonal sports and/or activities on a regular basis brings me right back to my childhood as my parents were always good about keeping all 7 of us Hollis kids busy in a good way (“Ski Date”).

Having good friends to lean on during a major illness (remember that old saying about the fact that you don’t really know who your real friends are until you encounter major illness) rang so true for me.  Also, making new friends as a direct result of my Cancer experience was humbling to say the least (“Friends are like jewels…”).

Family is crucial and I honestly don’t know what I would have done without the love and support of my father and my siblings during this trial (“Easter Sunday Back in the Day”).

And finally,  growing up in a religious household made all of the difference in the world in terms of how I viewed my illness and how I responded to it (“A Desert Place…”).   Having faith and a church home (for me, Christian Tabernacle Baptist Church in Hamden, CT) was completely necessary for my sanity and my survival.  I was then, and continue to be now, truly blessed.

Image 7-30-16 at 3.37 PM













Hot Mess!

What is it about hair stylists, hairdressers, salon owners, etc. that make you want to spill your guts?!?   I’ve been going to one or another hair salon in Connecticut now for years (at least 30 years) and I must say, some of my deepest and most meaningful conversations have been with my stylist.  It’s almost like something happens to me when I sit in her (their) chair, it’s almost like all of my inhibitions go out the door and what’s left is talk, raw talk.  I can’t explain it, I just know that I feel the need to share and share BIG

I came of age in the early 70s  (pre-Afro days in our house) so natural hair and afro picks were not in yet for the Hollis girls – press and curls were –  and we were truly a product of our environment…I’m the one with the yellow blouse and matching yellow headband…my oldest sister Dana was missing in this picture.


Again, I am one of 7 children (5 girls; 2 boys) in a family of 9 and the baby girl at that, so my earliest memory of getting my ‘hair did’ was not going to a salon (we didn’t have that luxury) but waiting most of a Satur(day) in anticipation…You see, on Saturdays the Hollis kitchen became a makeshift hair salon.  One sister after another (the oldest to the youngest) sat in the kitchen chair closest to the oven so my mother could easily place the hot comb back and forth (from hair to electric eye).   My two brothers didn’t know how good they had it!  They had no clue…I can still recall smelling Blue Magic hair dressing and fried hair all day long…Being the baby girl, I was always the last to go which meant that by the time my mother got to me she was not only tired, but cranky.  And God forbid someone called on the telephone during my time in the chair!  I was in for some neck burnings then!   Consequently, I do not have fond memories of these two things:


So, fast forward to today, one of my favorite ways to pamper myself  is to get my hair done once a week.  Elite Hair Salon in Westville, CT is my salon of choice now and they come highly recommended (smile).


Put your slippers on…

As I’ve gotten older,  I’ve truly started to take note of the things that make me happy and relaxed and conversely, stay away from the things that make me sad and/or stressed out.  It sounds simple in theory but in practice, not so much…

At any rate today it’s the little things that make me happy and/or relaxed.   And they don’t necessarily involve a lot of money.  Here are a list of them:

  • Sleeping in on Saturdays – Growing up Hollis, my father,  Jonie B., would not allow his kids to sleep in on the weekends – he was a “military man” and sleeping in was a sign of laziness…conseqently, this is a big deal to me today…you notice I only mentioned one weekend  day…
  • Taking long bubble baths on the weekends –  Growing up Hollis  and being one of 7 children, I used to have to share my bubble baths with my sister Elena to not only save water, but time…today I consider a bubble bath strictly “me time” and a luxury not enjoyed enough…


  • Burning incense and candles – I love to burn things in a safe way (smile) so burning candles and incense has a unique way of relaxing me when I’m feeling stressed – watching a fire burn in an indoor fireplace or an outdoor fire pit also does the trick
  • Eating comfort “snacky” foods – Growing up Hollis and being a “daddy’s girl” I used to pop “corn” for my father and watch Football with him so this snack has always held a special meaning to me
  • Reading a good book on a rainy day – There’s something about curling up on the sofa with a good book and cup of hot tea on a rainy day…


  • Spending quality time at the beach -Water has always had a way of relaxing me and making me feel at peace with the world – I grew up in the small Shoreline town of Groton, CT where we had 5 beaches so I spent a lot of time with my siblings at the beach








  • Getting pampered – feet, hair, nails, etc. – love to have someone else that I’m paying do these things for me – did not know that luxury growing up so it feels extra special now…


  • Watching a good movie at the movie theater complete with snacks – my late mother Jean used to drop her 7 children off at the movie theater on Saturdays armed with snacks so going to the movies will always hold a special place in my heart
  • Spending time outdoors during the warmer months – Living in New England and dealing with such changeable weather, I love being outdoors when the weather is nice and I fully take advantage of it.  Whether it is playing sports or just lounging around, the sun becomes my friend
  • And finally, putting on my “jammies” and slippers as soon as I get home from a long stressful day at work – I work in a super stressful, highly competitive industry so as soon as I get home I take a nice hot shower and put on my “jammies” and slippers – – I can still hear my late mother Jean’s voice telling me,  ‘put your slippers on’ after an insanely busy day and miraculously, it worked!